Dr. Harish C. Phuleria

Associate Professor, IIT Bombay

Dr. Harish C. Phuleria is an associate professor with 14 years of experience on environmental monitoring, exposure assessment and environmental health. His primary area of research is directed at quantifying and characterizing the short- and long-term exposures to different environmental stressors such as air pollution and road traffic noise. Dr. Phuleria’s research group focuses on understanding the emissions from vehicular and biomass emissions sources, monitoring and modelling the long-term air pollution exposures in various urban/ rural microenvironments, quantifying toxic chemicals in human tissues and examining the association of air pollution exposures with health effects in children and adults. His specific interest lies in characterizing new exposures e.g. to ultrafine particles, to brown and black carbon and to chemical constituents in aerosols of different source origin, in particular to traffic exhaust in urban areas.

He has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Chemistry from University of Delhi and IIT Delhi, respectively. Subsequently, he completed master’s in Environmental Science and Engineering from IIT Bombay before earning his PhD degree in Environmental Engineering from University of Southern California, Los Angeles. After spending about 6 years in Switzerland at various positions, in 2013, he joined IIT Bombay and continues to teach and conduct research there.


Monday, 28th November 2022 Module 2&3: Source Apportionment, Modeling & Health Risk Assessment

Indoor air pollution and health risk assessment