Prof. Kraichat Tantrakarnapa

Faculty of Tropical Medicne, MAHIDOL University, Bangkok ,Thailand

Kraichat Tantrakarnapa obtained the Master degree in Technology of Environmental Management and Ph.D. in environmental engineering. He has been working at Faculty of Tropical Medicine, MAHIDOL University. He has experienced in many natural resources and environmental areas in Thailand and neighboring countries. He has participated as consulting unit for many organizations both local and international agency. The experienced works are Environmental Health, Environmental Impact Assessment., Environmental Health Impact Assessment, Climate change and health impact, and Environmental Planning. He has experience in the investigation of environmental health/sanitation among migrants who are living in Thailand, chemicals usage and health risk among farmers funded by WHO, GHG(Green House Gas) inventory from IPPU sectors in Thailand supported by ONEP, Thailand and UNDP, Environmental Health Indicator associated with the climate change and GREEN community,  Transforming of Climate Change Master Plan to local implementation. He has experience in the investigation of air pollution and health impacts under the funding support from Thai NRCT (Natural Research Council of Thailand), TRF (Thailand Research Fund), MRC-Newton Fund and GCRF (The Global Challenges Research Fund)  from United Kingdom.


Thursday, 01st December 2022 7th IICAQM-2022 - Day 3

Keynote Address 5:

Prof. Kraichat Tantrakarnapa,

Mahidol University, Thailand


Tuesday, 29th November 2022 7th IICAQM-2022 - Day 1

Technical Session I: Air quality measurement and monitoring

Chair: Prof. Kraichat Tantrakarnapa, Mahidol University, Thailand and Dr. Aditya Kumar Patra, IIT Kharagpur

Rapporteur: Dr. Amit Passi (IIT Madras)