Life Time Achievement Award 2022

Dr Prashant Gargava,

Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Board
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Dr. Prashant Gargava is an expert in Urban Air Quality and Climate Change. He spearheaded key air quality initiatives in India (including Air Quality Index AQI and National Air Quality Standards). He also conceptualized National Clean Air Program (NCAP) for India.  He is the co-author of the guidance framework for Air Quality Management in Asian cities for Clean Air Asia (CAA). He led India’s well-known Six City Source Apportionment study that guided future air quality action plans and also developed the country’s first environmental databank. Furthermore, he conceptualized and led the initiative OF UrbAirIndia, a decision support system for urban air quality management which is helping a lot of air quality professionals. He is a charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection (a joint initiative of Government & Industries) in a petroleum oil refinery, dyes & dye intermediate sectors. He has published in over 37 journals.

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