Dr. Mahesh PA

Professor, Respiratory Medicine, JSS Medical College, Mysore

Publications - 202, Citations - 52343, h-index -56, i10 index - 109, Average Impact factor 16.2

Special awards and recognition: Young Scientist-ICAAI, Raju award – ICAAI, WAO travel grant, Best thematic paper at NAPCON, Tatachari award for best research paper – JSS, Best referee Lung India, Shivpuri Oration 2017 (ICAAI), OA Sarma oration 2019 (ICS)

Serving on 9 committees of American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, USA, 

Served on Difficult Asthma  and Climate change and Allergy working groups AAAAI

Global Council of Governors (2018-2020) and Airway Network Steering Committees (2017-2022) of the American College Chest Physicians

Collaborator for large International and national studies: Europrevall (Food Allergy), BOLD I & II (COPD), Global Burden of Disease (GBD), ICMR – Asthma and COPD, GLIMP, Embarc, Global Asthma Network. Between 2000-2020: completed household and school survey of >100,000 subjects), 

Reviewer for European Respiratory Society annual congress 2011-2015, American College of Chest Physicians annual congress 2014-2018 and World Congress, Global Health Equity Scholarship (USA) 2014-2016, Combined Universities for Global Health, USA (2017,18, 19), AAAAI (2019). Reviewer for 45 journals (5 National and 40 International), Grant reviewer for Indian Council of Medical Research and Rajiv Gandhi Health University, Associate editor, BMC Pulmonary Medicine