Dr. Krishnamurthi Kannan

Health and Toxicity Cell, CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI), Nagpur

▪Dr. Kannan Krishnamurthi (b.1968), obtained Master’s degree in Environmental Toxicology and Doctorate in Biochemistry from Nagpur University in 1990 and 2001 respectively. He also obtained the Post Doctoral study on HER-2 mechanism using in vitro cell culture system. Investigation on Oncogene blocking therapies using in vitro cell and in vivo nude mice model system at Center for Toxicology from Rudolf Boem Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany.

▪Dr. K. Krishnamurthi joined CSIR-NEERI in September 1995 and is Chief Scientist & Head in HTC at CSIR-NEERI. He has carried out CO2 sequestration  vis a vis algal biofuel production using variety of algae  and simultaneous production of carbonates from CO2 sources with the help of Laboratory Photobioreactor System which is a research pertaining to climate change vis-à-vis cleaner energy CO2 sequestration. He studied health effects due to climate change at various places on secondary databases collected from the hospitals and primary data collections is ongoing throughout the India. He also studied the health impact due to mercury emission from thermal power plant nearby Nagpur city by studying the cattle population residing in the vicinity in comparison to control area animals.


Saturday, 18th December 2021 6th IICAQM - Day 3

Invited Talk 19:Microplastics are Contaminants of Emerging Concern in India