Dr. Aditya Kumar Patra

Department of Mining Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology

Dr. Aditya Kumar Patra is an Associate Professor in Air Quality and Health at the Department of Mining Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. His primary area of research is measurement and modeling of fine and ultrafine air borne particulate matter in mine, traffic and industry environment. The air pollution research group under Dr. Patra’s supervision has conducted several studies on traffic emission and emission from surface mining operations. His work on commuter exposure to fine and ultrafine particles during long-haul journeys on Indian highways is the first of its kind in India and follows only a couple of studies carried out elsewhere. In case of mines, he has quantified and modelled the in-pit and beyond-pit dispersion of respirable particles. Dr. Patra has published more than 45 research papers in journals and conference proceedings and three book chapters. He has edited three conference proceedings and is author of two books. He has completed about 35 research and consultancy projects including three international projects funded by Greater London Authority, Untied States Environmental Protection Agency and the European Commission on urban paved road particle dispersion, assessment of methane resource in sealed off areas of coal mines, greenhouse gas recovery from coal mines and unmineable coal beds and conversion to energy, respectively. He is a recipient of Commonwealth Scholarship (2002-2006, UK), Commonwealth Academic Fellowship (2015-16, UK) and Endeavour Executive Fellowship (2018, Australia).