Title: “Air pollution: From sampling to analysis”
This “Air pollution: From Sampling to Analysis” lecture will reveal the process of taking air samples to then analyze them in a laboratory to
determine the levels of pollutants present in the air, thereby assessing air quality. It also deals with air monitoring techniques to provide real-time
readings of contaminants in the air. Air monitoring and air sampling are two different methods of looking at air quality. The air monitoring uses
electronic devices to provide real-time readings of contaminants in the air. The air sampling involves trapping air over a period of time in a
container that is then sent to a laboratory for analysis to identify and quantify specific compounds. Different techniques are used to collect air
samples depending on the pollutant being measured, including filters for particulate matter, absorbent tubes for gases, and specialized samplers for specific compounds. Air sampling devices draw a known volume of air through the collection media. The collected samples are then transported to the analytical/toxicological laboratory to analyze using various techniques like chromatography, spectroscopy, or gravimetric analysis to identify and quantify the pollutants. So, this lecture will be useful to gain the knowledge of air monitoring, air sampling, chemical and/or toxicological analyses.
About the Speaker

Dr. Arul Veerappan holds PhD degree in Pharmacology and Environmental Toxicology from Dr. ALM Postgraduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Madras, Taramani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India in 2000. He then received a Japan Science and Technology Agency STAfellowship and continued his research on PM2.5 and health effects at the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan. Further, Dr. Arul moved to Cornell University, an Ivy League Institution in USA for his postdoctoral fellowship and continued as an instructor. He also served as overseas visiting professor in the department of Chemical Engineering at Anna University, Chennai. Currently, Dr. Arul works as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Environmental Medicine, Department of Medicine at New York University Grossman School of Medicine. His major areas of research are environmental toxicants such as heavy metals and air pollution including World Trade Center Particulate Matter and cardiopulmonary health effects and carcinogenesis. He also teaches heavy metals in air pollution, industrial hygiene and occupational health courses for the Environmental Health Sciences Graduate Program at New York University. Dr. Arul has published his research work in high impact top tier journals such as PNAS, Nature Medicine, Translational Science etc. He has also presented his work in various national and international conferences.