Greetings from IICAQM 2024!
We are glad to bring to your kind attention that IIT Madras, University of Surrey (UK), University of Bath (UK), University of Canberra (Australia), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research -UFZ (Germany), Mahidol University (Thailand) and Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand) are jointly organizing the ‘9th Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management (IICAQM 2024) – Measurement, Modelling, Health Risk and Public Policy’ during 18th December – 20th December 2024.
As part of IICAQM 2024 are organizing online competitions for school and college students. The competitions are divided into three categories:
Category I: age up to 14years- Creative Drawing
Topic: Air pollution & impact on the environment
Total number of participants: 59
First position: Mr. Thitakshwa S. SBOA School Junior College, TN

Second position: Mr. V. SUDHARSON The Gugai Higher Secondary School, SALEM

Third position: Ms. B. DIVYADHARSHINI Chinmaya Vidyalaya, TN

Fourth position: Mr. Saisohan C. JSS Public school, Mysore, KA

Fifth position: Ms. Nethraa sri Soundappan Golden Gates Earth School, TN

Category II: age from 15 to 18 years- 1-min video submission
Topic: Role of Community and policies in air pollution prevention
Total number of participants: 06
First position: Ms. KAVYASHREE SBOA School and Junior College, TN
Second position: Mr. Swasthik Swaran P Shree Sarasswathi Vidhyaah Mandheer (SSVM) School, Coimbatore, TN
Category III: age from 19 years and above- Technical Poster
Topic: Air Pollution and Health Risk Assessment
First position: Mr. Surendran M. Velammal Engineering college, TN