Dr. B. Sengupta
Former CPCB Director
Current strategies to improve ambient air quality in urban areas and GHG emission reduction in India
In this presentation current strategies followed by CPCB / CAQM /MOEF to improve urban Air Quality are discussed namely,
- Identification of non-point sources of emissions and planning for effective mitigation of air pollution
- Emission Control from DG sets and small scale industries
- Emission Control from MSW dump sites
- Adoption of EV policy in different states and implementation of EV policy to improve air quality
- Strengthening of Inspection and maintenance program for in use vehicles
- Policy on use of Bio mass /Agricultural residue in power generation
- Phasing down of old and inefficient coal based power plants in different Air Sheds
- VOC emission and Control from different sources like Chemical Industries, Petrol Pumps, Vehicles, dry Cleaning industries.
- Issues regarding Low mixing heights and Calm conditions in Ganga Basin Air shed
- Contribution due to of long range transport of air pollutants
Beside above, GHG emission reduction strategy of GOI specially for hard to abate sector like Iron and plants, Coal based power plants are also discussed.
Dr. B. Sengupta worked in Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India for more than 30 years in different capacity. He was Member Secretary of CPCB for more than 10 years (1998-2008). He also worked in University of Florida, Gainesville, USA and university of Oslo , Norway on Air quality management and control. He has vast experience in the field of Air and Water Quality Management, Industrial Pollution Control, Standard Development (Ambient and Source specific), Environmental Impact Assessment Studies, Fuel Quality improvements, Clean Technology, Waste Minimization, Pollution Prevention issues, Pollution Control in SSI units, Climate Change, Hazardous and Solid Waste Management. He represented India in many International Meetings / Seminars / Workshops organized by UNEP/USEPA/WHO/World Bank/UNIDO etc. Dr. Sengupta has published more than 250 technical reports while working in CPCB and also presented/publish more than 50 papers in National and International peer reviewed Journals. He also guided several M.Tech and Ph.D. students of IIT-Delhi, JNU, Delhi University etc.