Life Time Achievement Award 2021

Prof. Gufran Beig

National Institute of Advanced Science,
Indian Institute of Science campus, Bangalore

Prof. (Dr.) Gufran Beig is an expert in Air Quality and Climate Change. He is the Founder Director of SAFAR, Indian first air quality forecasting system, conceived and developed at IITM (Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India). Presently he is working as “Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee Chair Professor at National Institute of Advanced Science, Indian institute of Science campus, Bangalore.

He is the recipient of prestigious Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award, India’s highest honor in Scientific filed and first recipient of Norbert-Mum international award of World Meteorological Organization, United Nations. He is a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences. He has been the jury and advisory committee member of many prestigious awards of Govt. of India. He has published ~210 international scientific papers, 23 technical monograph and edited 8 scientific books with a citation more than 6300. Delivered ~300 invited talks and committee members of many prestigious scientific bodies.

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