Life Time Achievement Award 2017

Dr. Mukesh Khare,

Department of Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

Dr. Mukesh Khare is a Professor with the Department of Civil Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. He is a Fellow of Institution of Engineers India and Fellow of Wessex Institute of Great Britain. He is a Chartered Engineer. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Faculty of Engineering from Newcastle University, UK and has managed a range of environmental projects throughout his professional career. With a specialization in air quality modelling, Prof. Khare’s experience has covered research and development studies, teaching, consulting, modelling, editorial activities. In addition, Prof. Khare has authored more than 200 research publications primarily for peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. Prof. Khare is a member of High Level Task Force (HLTF) at Prime Minister Office and also Chairing a committee on Indoor Air Quality in Ministry of Environment and Forests and Climate Change, GoI. He has also been appointed as the technical member for Commission on Air Quality Management, GoI.

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